Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 for Outlook 安装教程
注: 安装过程必须电脑要连上网,不然可能安装出错,最下面会总结出错log日记 。
查看下列视频: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 中的 CRM for Outlook 配置:
如需看更详细的操作过程,可以访问以下网址: 微软官方详细介绍。
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Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015
Exchange Server 或 POP3 电子邮件服务
本人的操作系统为Windows 7 64位企业版。
3. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 for Microsoft Office Outlook(Outlook 客户端)
注意: office 2010/2013分为32位和64位,注意选择自已电脑上的版本即可以。
重新启动Outlook以后,会发现多了一个add-in,点击 配置Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook。
输入类似 这样的网址,点击 测试连接按钮 ,如果没有问题的话,就会带出组织信息
如果服务器配置为IFD 方式,则身份验证方式为可用,可以更改了。
以上为全部安装过程 ,好好享用outlook客户端带来的方便和快捷吧。
08:34:46| Info| === 安装程序启动记录开始 2015/5/29 18:34:46 ===
08:34:46| Info| Bootstrap version:
08:34:46| Info| User: Administrator.
08:34:47| Info| Invoked with command line: D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\SetupClient.exe
08:34:47| Info| Running Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2015 for Outlook at : D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86
08:34:47| Info| System Memory: 21469523968 Bytes
08:34:47| Info| Initializing COM.
08:34:47| Info| Initialized COM.
08:34:47| Info| No pending reboot detected
08:34:47| Info| No reboot required
08:34:47| Info| Uninitializing COM.
08:34:47| Info| Uninitialized COM.
08:34:49| Info| IsIeInstalled=1
08:34:49| Info| Current OS Version: 6.2.9200
08:34:49| Info| ServicePack:
08:34:50| Info| System Type: Server
08:34:50| Info| Suite Mask: 0x0190
08:34:51| Info| Patchfile target Product code: {0C524D20-0804-0070-8A9E-0C4C490E4E54}
08:34:51| Info| Patchfile target version: 7.0.0000.0000
08:34:51| Info| Patchfile target language: 2052
08:34:51| Info| Patchfile target upgrade code: {B9D53805-50DD-4898-8B87-1B2891471F5A}
08:34:51| Info| Patchfile passed validation checks.
08:34:51| Info| MSP file D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\Update\Client_KB3015386_i386_2052.msp will be installed
08:34:51| Info| Copying installer files to local directory:
08:34:51| Info| Package: D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\Client.msi, Options: ADDLOCAL="Installer" INSTALLDIR="C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{1859EC76-0F32-42F6-B50E-74392BD0C725}" TARGETDIR="C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{1859EC76-0F32-42F6-B50E-74392BD0C725}" ALLOWRUN=1 PATCH="D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\Update\Client_KB3015386_i386_2052.msp" CRMUPDATEWRAPPER=1
08:34:59| Info| Loading bootstrap library D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\ClientSetup.dll
08:34:59| Info| Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook is not currently installed.
08:37:06| Info| === 安装程序启动记录结束 2015/5/29 8:37:06 ===
08:35:43| Info| Bootstrap version:
08:35:43| Info| User: Administrator.
08:35:43| Info| Initializing COM.
08:35:43| Info| Initialized COM.
08:35:43| Info| IsSqlExprRequiredSpInstalled=1
08:35:43| Info| Current OS Version: 6.2.9200
08:35:43| Info| ServicePack:
08:35:43| Info| System Type: Server
08:35:43| Info| Suite Mask: 0x0190
08:35:43| Info| IsIeInstalled=1
08:35:43| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 379893
08:35:43| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
08:35:43| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=0
08:35:43| Info| Installing VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005
08:35:43| Info| Get the job key value BITSLocalTempDir as from the registry.
08:35:43| Info| Checking whether installer vcredist_x86*.exe is locally available
08:35:43| Info| Local package for Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 not found
08:35:43| Info| 找不到 Visual C++ 运行时安装文件 VcRedist\vcredist_x86.exe。
08:35:43| Info| FWLink defined for Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时:
08:35:43| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
08:35:43| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
08:35:43| Info| Initializing COM.
08:35:43| Info| Initialized COM.
08:35:43| Info| Initializing COM.
08:35:43| Info| Initialized COM.
08:35:43| Info| Get the job key value BITSLocalTempDir as from the registry.
08:35:43| Info| Connect to BITS.
08:35:43| Info| Get the job key value BITSLocalTempDir as from the registry.
08:35:43| Info| Open the registry key value BITSLocalTempDir for the download job.
08:35:43| Info| Set the job key value BITSLocalTempDir as C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}.
08:35:43| Info| Find/create the local temporary directory C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}.
08:35:43| Info| Requesting download of Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 installer from
08:35:43| Info| Create the job key value vcredist_x86_12.exe in the registry.
08:35:43| Info| Set the job key value vcredist_x86_12.exe as in the registry.
08:35:43| Info| Create a new job for file vcredist_x86_12.exe.
08:35:43| Info| Open the registry key value vcredist_x86_12.exe for the download job.
08:35:43| Info| Set the job key value vcredist_x86_12.exe as {98F3EEBB-6789-4905-A60E-82462B4F29FA}.
08:35:43| Info| Set the job guid {98F3EEBB-6789-4905-A60E-82462B4F29FA} in the registry.
08:35:43| Info| Add the file vcredist_x86_12.exe to the created job.
08:35:43| Info| Set MinimumRetryDelay to: 60 seconds.
08:35:43| Info| Set NoProgressTimeout to: 60 seconds.
08:35:44| Info| Set Priority to BG_JOB_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND.
08:35:44| Info| Create the notify interface.
08:35:44| Info| Register notify interface.
08:35:44| Info| Set the notify flags to BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED
08:35:44| Info| Start/resume the download job vcredist_x86_12.exe.
08:36:55|Warning| Error context : 5.
08:36:55|Warning| Job vcredist_x86_12.exe encountered the following error:
08:36:55|Warning| Job vcredist_x86_12.exe encountered the BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR.
08:36:55|Warning| 未能成功下载 Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时。若要重试,请确保您的 Internet 连接正常,然后重试。
08:36:55| Info| Open the registry key value vcredist_x86_12.exe for the download job.
08:36:55| Info| Set the job key value vcredist_x86_12.exe as .
08:36:55| Info| Cancel the download job vcredist_x86_12.exe.
08:36:55| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
08:36:55| Info| Uninitializing COM.
08:36:55| Info| Uninitialized COM.
08:36:55| Info| Requesting download of Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 installer from
08:37:06| Error| 未能成功下载 Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时。若要重试,请确保您的 Internet 连接正常,然后重试。
08:37:06| Error| hr=0xc0040202
08:37:06| Error| 下载一个或多个缺失的必备组件失败。请确保您的 Internet 连接正常,然后重试。 (checkbase.cpp:CCheckBase::DoActionImp:213).
08:37:06| Info| Uninitializing COM.
08:37:06| Info| Uninitialized COM.
08:37:06| Info| Uninitializing COM.
08:37:06| Info| Uninitialized COM.
08:37:06| Info| Error in Run client bootstrap : 下载一个或多个缺失的必备组件失败。请确保您的 Internet 连接正常,然后重试。.
08:38:06| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
08:38:06| Info| === 安装程序启动记录结束 2015/5/29 8:38:06 ===
08:37:06| Info| User: Administrator.
08:37:06| Error| Installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook failed.
08:38:06| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
08:38:06| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
08:38:06| Info| === 安装程序启动记录结束 2015/5/29 8:38:06 ===
08:46:14| Info| === 安装程序启动记录开始 2015/5/29 8:46:14 ===
08:46:14| Info| Bootstrap version:
08:46:14| Info| User: Administrator.
08:46:14| Info| Invoked with command line: "D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\SetupClient.exe"
08:46:14| Info| Running Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2015 for Outlook at : D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86
08:46:15| Info| System Memory: 21469523968 Bytes
08:46:15| Info| Initializing COM.
08:46:15| Info| Initialized COM.
08:46:15| Info| No pending reboot detected
08:46:15| Info| No reboot required
08:46:15| Info| Uninitializing COM.
08:46:15| Info| Uninitialized COM.
08:46:15| Info| IsIeInstalled=1
08:46:15| Info| Current OS Version: 6.2.9200
08:46:15| Info| ServicePack:
08:46:15| Info| System Type: Server
08:46:15| Info| Suite Mask: 0x0190
08:46:16| Info| Patchfile target Product code: {0C524D20-0804-0070-8A9E-0C4C490E4E54}
08:46:16| Info| Patchfile target version: 7.0.0000.0000
08:46:16| Info| Patchfile target language: 2052
08:46:16| Info| Patchfile target upgrade code: {B9D53805-50DD-4898-8B87-1B2891471F5A}
08:46:16| Info| Patchfile passed validation checks.
08:46:16| Info| MSP file D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\Update\Client_KB3015386_i386_2052.msp will be installed
08:46:16| Info| Copying installer files to local directory:
08:46:16| Info| Package: D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\Client.msi, Options: ADDLOCAL="Installer" INSTALLDIR="C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{C0B81E50-E6D7-4418-91BE-AF70AB3CFBDD}" TARGETDIR="C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{C0B81E50-E6D7-4418-91BE-AF70AB3CFBDD}" ALLOWRUN=1 PATCH="D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\Update\Client_KB3015386_i386_2052.msp" CRMUPDATEWRAPPER=1
08:46:20| Info| Loading bootstrap library D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\ClientSetup.dll
08:46:21| Info| Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook is not currently installed.
09:21:54| Info| === 安装程序启动记录结束 2015/5/29 9:21:54 ===
08:46:29| Info| Bootstrap version:
08:46:29| Info| User: Administrator.
08:46:29| Info| Initializing COM.
08:46:29| Info| Initialized COM.
08:46:29| Info| IsSqlExprRequiredSpInstalled=1
08:46:29| Info| Current OS Version: 6.2.9200
08:46:29| Info| ServicePack:
08:46:29| Info| System Type: Server
08:46:29| Info| Suite Mask: 0x0190
08:46:29| Info| IsIeInstalled=1
08:46:29| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 379893
08:46:29| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
08:46:29| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=0
08:46:29| Info| Installing VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005
08:46:29| Info| Get the job key value BITSLocalTempDir as C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7} from the registry.
08:46:29| Info| Checking whether installer vcredist_x86*.exe is locally available
08:46:29| Info| Local package for Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 not found
08:46:29| Info| 找不到 Visual C++ 运行时安装文件 VcRedist\vcredist_x86.exe。
08:46:29| Info| FWLink defined for Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时:
08:46:29| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
08:46:29| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
08:46:29| Info| Initializing COM.
08:46:29| Info| Initialized COM.
08:46:29| Info| Initializing COM.
08:46:29| Info| Initialized COM.
08:46:29| Info| Connect to BITS.
08:46:29| Info| Find/create the local temporary directory C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}.
08:46:29| Info| Requesting download of Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 installer from
08:46:29| Info| Get the job key value vcredist_x86_12.exe as from the registry.
08:46:29| Info| Create a new job for file vcredist_x86_12.exe.
08:46:29| Info| Open the registry key value vcredist_x86_12.exe for the download job.
08:46:29| Info| Set the job key value vcredist_x86_12.exe as {53A707A8-BFBE-4C49-8E6D-28AD809E84C0}.
08:46:29| Info| Set the job guid {53A707A8-BFBE-4C49-8E6D-28AD809E84C0} in the registry.
08:46:29| Info| Add the file vcredist_x86_12.exe to the created job.
08:46:29| Info| Set MinimumRetryDelay to: 60 seconds.
08:46:29| Info| Set NoProgressTimeout to: 60 seconds.
08:46:29| Info| Set Priority to BG_JOB_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND.
08:46:29| Info| Create the notify interface.
08:46:29| Info| Register notify interface.
08:46:29| Info| Set the notify flags to BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED
08:46:30| Info| Start/resume the download job vcredist_x86_12.exe.
08:49:00| Info| 已将 Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 下载到 C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}\vcredist_x86_12.exe
08:49:00| Info| Prereq component installer will use downloaded installer for vcredist_x86*.exe.
08:49:00| Info| Installer path for Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 set to C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}\vcredist_x86_12.exe
08:49:00| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
08:49:00| Info| Uninitializing COM.
08:49:00| Info| Uninitialized COM.
08:49:00| Info| 正在安装 Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时
08:49:00| Info| Launching external process:
08:49:00| Info| CmdLine: <"C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}\vcredist_x86_12.exe" /q /norestart>
08:49:00| Info| WorkingDir: <C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}>
08:49:03| Info| Microsoft Visual C++ 运行时 的安装已完成。退出代码为: 0。结果为: 已装版本: 12.0.21005
08:49:03| Info| Uninitializing COM.
08:49:03| Info| Uninitialized COM.
08:49:03| Info| IsDrWatsonInstalled=1
08:49:03| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 379893
08:49:03| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
08:49:03| Info| IsSqlExprRequiredSpInstalled=1
08:49:04| Info| IsSqlExprInstalled=0
08:49:04| Info| Checking whether installer SQLEXPR*.EXE is locally available
08:49:04| Info| Local package for Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012 SP2 (CRM) not found
08:49:04| Info| 找不到 SQL Express 安装文件
08:49:04| Info| FWLink defined for Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012 SP2 (CRM):
08:49:04| Info| IsSqlCe64BitInstalled=0
08:49:04| Info| Checking whether installer SSCERuntime_x64-*.exe is locally available
08:49:04| Info| Local package for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Service Pack 1 not found
08:49:04| Info| 找不到 Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 SP1 安装程序包 sqlceSCERuntime.msi。
08:49:04| Info| FWLink defined for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Service Pack 1:
08:49:04| Info| Sql System Clr Types version found is 11.0.2100
08:49:04| Info| IsSqlSystemClrTypesInstalled=1
08:49:04| Info| Minimum required version for ReportViewerControl is 11.1.3366.16, but <
08:49:04| Info| Installed version is 11.1.3452.0 (with UpgradeCode {601E4292-D959-405C-B916-A33C178B25E1})
08:49:04| Info| IsReportViewerControlInstalled=1
08:49:04| Info| Patchfile target Product code: {0C524D20-0804-0070-8A9E-0C4C490E4E54}
08:49:04| Info| Patchfile target version: 7.0.0000.0000
08:49:04| Info| Patchfile target language: 2052
08:49:04| Info| Patchfile target upgrade code: {B9D53805-50DD-4898-8B87-1B2891471F5A}
08:49:04| Info| Patchfile passed validation checks.
08:49:04| Info| MSP file D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\Update\Client_KB3015386_i386_2052.msp will be installed
08:49:04| Info| GetSIDOfLoggedOnUser: Starting
08:49:04| Info| GetSIDOfLoggedOnUser: before WTSQueryUserToken, session=2
08:49:04| Info| GetSIDOfLoggedOnUser: return code = 1314
08:49:04| Info| Using the following Language Pack msi - D:\soft\crm2015-client-update\client-x86\MUISetup_2052_i386.msi
08:49:04| Info| Initializing COM.
08:49:04| Info| Initialized COM.
08:49:04| Info| Initializing COM.
08:49:05| Info| Initialized COM.
08:49:05| Info| Connect to BITS.
08:49:05| Info| Find/create the local temporary directory C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}.
08:49:05| Info| Requesting download of Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012 SP2 (CRM) installer from
08:49:05| Info| Create the job key value SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE in the registry.
08:49:05| Info| Set the job key value SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE as in the registry.
08:49:05| Info| Create a new job for file SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE.
08:49:05| Info| Open the registry key value SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE for the download job.
08:49:05| Info| Set the job key value SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE as {042BAC4A-8D32-483A-8BDE-33D8FF9368B5}.
08:49:05| Info| Set the job guid {042BAC4A-8D32-483A-8BDE-33D8FF9368B5} in the registry.
08:49:05| Info| Add the file SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE to the created job.
08:49:05| Info| Set MinimumRetryDelay to: 60 seconds.
08:49:05| Info| Set NoProgressTimeout to: 60 seconds.
08:49:05| Info| Set Priority to BG_JOB_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND.
08:49:05| Info| Create the notify interface.
08:49:05| Info| Register notify interface.
08:49:05| Info| Set the notify flags to BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED
08:49:05| Info| Requesting download of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Service Pack 1 installer from
08:49:05| Info| Create the job key value SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe in the registry.
08:49:05| Info| Set the job key value SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe as in the registry.
08:49:05| Info| Create a new job for file SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe.
08:49:05| Info| Open the registry key value SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe for the download job.
08:49:05| Info| Set the job key value SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe as {486A60D9-6D63-4C75-A8B2-938212E08AF0}.
08:49:05| Info| Set the job guid {486A60D9-6D63-4C75-A8B2-938212E08AF0} in the registry.
08:49:05| Info| Add the file SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe to the created job.
08:49:05| Info| Set MinimumRetryDelay to: 60 seconds.
08:49:05| Info| Set NoProgressTimeout to: 60 seconds.
08:49:05| Info| Set Priority to BG_JOB_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND.
08:49:05| Info| Create the notify interface.
08:49:05| Info| Register notify interface.
08:49:05| Info| Set the notify flags to BG_NOTIFY_JOB_TRANSFERRED
08:49:05| Info| Start/resume the download job SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe.
08:49:05| Info| Start/resume the download job SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE.
09:21:43|Warning| Error context : 5.
09:21:43|Warning| Job SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE encountered the following error:
09:21:43|Warning| Job SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE encountered the BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR.
09:21:43|Warning| 未能成功下载 Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012 SP2 (CRM)。若要重试,请确保您的 Internet 连接正常,然后重试。
09:21:43| Info| 已将 Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Service Pack 1 下载到 C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}\SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe
09:21:43| Info| Prereq component installer will use downloaded installer for SSCERuntime_x64-*.exe.
09:21:43| Info| Installer path for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Service Pack 1 set to C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E54BE616-9488-42F7-86F2-523F4C0F4DF7}\SSCERuntime_x64-2052.exe
09:21:43| Info| Open the registry key value SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE for the download job.
09:21:43| Info| Set the job key value SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE as .
09:21:43| Info| Cancel the download job SQLEXPR_2052_Required.EXE.
09:21:43| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
09:21:43| Info| Uninitializing COM.
09:21:43| Info| Uninitialized COM.
09:21:43| Info| Requesting download of Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012 SP2 (CRM) installer from
09:21:54| Error| 未能成功下载 Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012 SP2 (CRM)。若要重试,请确保您的 Internet 连接正常,然后重试。
09:21:54| Error| hr=0xc0040202
09:21:54| Info| Uninitializing COM.
09:21:54| Info| Uninitialized COM.
09:21:54| Info| Uninitializing COM.
09:21:54| Info| Uninitialized COM.
09:21:54| Info| === 安装程序启动记录开始 2015/5/29 9:21:54 ===
09:21:54| Info| Bootstrap version:
09:21:54| Info| User: Administrator.
09:21:54| Error| Installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook failed.